Genomic-based BLUP (GBLUP)
Predict genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) with GBLUP using phenotypes and genomic data.
Mice Data
Step One : Fit ordinary least square (OLS) to estimate fixed effects (b_hat)
Step Two : Predict genomic estimated breed value (u_hatG)
Construct G matrix VanRaden (2008) with R-function of computeG. Two arguments need to be given within computeG function: 1) genotype matrix of W; 2) minor allele frequency threshold (0.05 is used in this example).
computeG <- function(W, maf) {
p <- colMeans(W)/2
maf2 <- pmin(p, 1 - p)
index <- which(maf2 < maf)
W2 <- W[, -index]
p2 <- p[-index]
Wc <- scale(W2, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
G <- tcrossprod(Wc)/(2 * sum(p2 * (1 - p2)))
G <- computeG(W=mice.X , maf = 0.05)
dim(G) # 1814 x 1814
Phenotype Matrix y
Incidence Matrix X
Incidence Matrix Z
Incidence Matrix I
Assign values for two variance components (In practice, they need to be estimated from data)
Inverse of V_y matrix
Mixed Model Equation (MME)
We can estimate fixed effects and predict GEBV simultaneously by using MME. The function of computeMME requires 6 arguments of phenotype matrix (y), incidence matrix for fixed effects (X), incidence matrix for random effects (Z), genomic relationship matrix (G), variance components sigma2G and sigma2e.
computeMME <- function(y, X, Z, G, sigma2G, sigma2e) {
X<-model.matrix(~ -1 + dat$Litter + factor(dat$GENDER))
Z <- diag(nrow(G))
I <- diag(nrow(G))
lambdaG <- sigma2e/sigma2G
XtX <- crossprod(X)
XtZ <- crossprod(X, Z)
ZtX <- crossprod(Z, X)
ZtZG <- crossprod(Z) + solve(G) * lambdaG
Xty <- crossprod(X, y)
Zty <- crossprod(Z, y)
LHS1 <- cbind(XtX, XtZ)
LHS2 <- cbind(ZtX, ZtZG)
LHSG <- rbind(LHS1, LHS2)
RHS <- rbind(Xty, Zty)
sol.G <- solve(LHSG) %*% RHS
sol.mme <- computeMME(y = y, X = X, Z = Z, G = G, sigma2G = 0.4, sigma2e = 0.6)